Survival of the Dead (2010, George A. Romero)

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Hey, remember when George Romero made good movies? Yeah, I know, I wasn’t born either, but he did used to make them, that’s why we keep giving him so many chances. Survival of the Dead is another entry in his stubbornly endless zombie series, and begins by spinning off minor characters from the crushingly awful Diary of the Dead before revealing itself as a cheesy Hatfield-McCoy feud that’s probably also a thuddeningly awkward political metaphor, now that I think about it: there’s still zombies, but the Muldoons want to teach zombies to eat something non-human. On the other side, the O’Flynns just want to blow ’em away. The pacing is very abrupt and clumsy, and nothing ever really feels like it congeals into an actual story. It’s just sort of wandering and aimless, never managing any sort of dramatic or suspenseful momentum, things just sort of happen to characters that never become more than vapid cyphers essayed ineptly by sleepwalking actors. It’s not as bad as the cacophonously misguided Diary but it’s still pretty damn awful.

[Grade: 3/10 (D+) / #57 (of 59) of 2010]

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