My Bloody Valentine (1981, George Mihalka)

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My Bloody Valentine 3D was one of 2009’s worst films. I attempted to see the film it was based upon, the 1981 Canadian slasher flick of the same name (in a paltry two dimensions), theatrically in a midnight movie revue, but my accompaniment had a serious health problem and we had to leave the masterpiece twenty minutes in. So now I got my chance to see it and guess what: it’s kind of stupid, kind of fun, watchable crap. I know! You’re shocked too. A Valentine’s Day dance is the operative offense for their long-dormant masked killer, and a bunch of dumbass partyboys and partygirls disregard it and they are eventually dispatched. What’s different about this one is the lack of a supernatural implication in the killer. Yeah there’s a twist, and yeah, he had been gone for twenty years supposedly, but we see him and his point of view several times. It doesn’t make it much better, but it at least has something to differentiate it, and that’s enough. I can watch dumb slashers all night long, and this, while still pretty low on the achievement pole, is one of the better ones.

[Grade: 5/10 (C) / #30 (of 36) of 1981]

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